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Dr. Sriparna Pathak

Associate Professor, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. 

Courses Offered

a) Chinese Foreign Policy

b) People’s Republic of China before and after World War II

Dr. Manoj Kumar Panigrahi

Assistant Professor, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. 

Courses Offered

a) Cross-strait Relations between Taiwan and China

b) Politics of East Asia

c) Taiwan: History, Culture and Politics


The future of international relations hangs by a thread as Russia continues its aggression against Ukraine. Countries across the world have responded in myriad ways ranging from outright condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia, to taking a neutral stand, or tacitly supporting Russia. Each of these responses has a multi-faceted geopolitical rationale that cannot be inferred through a binary lens. The West led by the USA and NATO desires the world to toe its line of condemnation of the Russian action. However, their efforts have not eventuated in reality so far.

Northeast Asia is a vital region in international relations. Be it the rising Chinese aggression, the Taiwanese fears of a cross-Strait attack, increasing North Korean belligerence, South Korea`s smart diplomacy or Japan`s increasingly bold foreign policy as opposed to its once pacifist constitution; these issues in themselves call for a deeper assessment. In assessing the diversity of responses to the ongoing war, a study of the approaches from Northeast Asian countries, i.e., China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea is of extreme importance.


  • To engage with key themes and theories of international politics with a particular focus on those from Northeast Asia.

  • Provide an understanding of regional geopolitical dynamics.

  • Collaborative research and knowledge exchange between the Centre and host institutions.


  • To act as a repository for scholars of Northeast Asian studies.

  • To move beyond the binaries of conflict and cooperation and understand the dynamics of the region through analyses which encompass not just cooperation and conflict but also history, culture, society, migration.

  • In addition to providing understandings of foreign policy, to develop interest among students in the individual countries of the region; to understand how domestic events unfold.

  • To contribute to discourses that shape India’s approaches to the countries of the region.

  • Promotion of ideas, people and knowledge.

  • Maintain a database of maps of conflict areas of the region

  • To teach students the importance of using the language of a country to reach more accurate analyses and to move away from mere Western understandings of international politics.


This book, based on studies of the geopolitics of each of these countries, carefully assesses their responses and challenges that have only increased since the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war on February 22, 2022. Irrespective of how the conflict takes shape, this book, which is the first of its kind, will remain relevant for years to come to study how countries in Northeast Asia responded in the immediate aftermath of the Russian onslaught.

Editors: Dr. Sriparna Pathak, Dr. Manoj Kumar Panigrahi

Published by: Pentagon Press, New Delhi

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